Městská část Praha 22
Nové náměstí 1250
104 00 Praha 114
Telefon: 271 071 812
E-mail: podatelna@praha22.cz
Basic informations about SPOD
Social and legal protection of children includes performs:
- search for endangered children,
- monitors development of children who have been entrusted to care of individuals other than parents,
- monitors development of children in educational facilities for institutional care and children residing with their mother in prison during her imprisonment,
- serves a notice on suspicion of committing a crime against a child,
- represents the child in position of a damaged person in criminal proceeding,
- in relation to the above mentioned it analyzes situation of minors and families, elaborates individual child protection plans and in accordance with it implements measures to prevent continuation of developmental disorders of minors,
- performs field social work,
- imposes and performs educational measures decided by authority of social and legal protection of children,
- proposes and implements educational measures decided by the court,
- proposes to courts adoption of other measures in the interest of minors (intervention in parental responsibility, establishing paternity, etc.).,
- performing its activities by cooperation with schools, school facilities for institutional and protective education, churches and non-profit organizations, healthcare facilities, law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings, the guardianship courts and other authorities for social and legal protection of children and other bodies as needed,
- acts as the collision guardian,
- acts as the guardian of minors,
- cooperates with the Prague City Hall in matters of foster care,
Foster care:
- registers citizens suitable to become foster parents and adoptive parents,
- registers children who need to be provided by foster care,
- monitors children placed in the care of prospective adoptive parents,
- assists foster families in the process of child adoption,
- acts to implement the rights and obligations of persons taking care of persons registered in foster care,
- ensures conclusion of agreements on foster care with the caring persons and the individuals listed in the Register, also controls conclusion of agreements with another entities, or issues decisions to modify rights and obligations within the foster care, followed by monitoring of their implementation,
- administers the agenda of state support to foster care services,
- continuously monitors the minors placed into foster care and into the temporary foster care, regularly analyzes the situation of minors and families, elaborates and updates the individual child protection plans,
- in accordance with the individual child protection plans cooperates with the child's biological family.
The curator for the youth mainly:
- registers minors who neglect school, or lead an idle and / or immoral way of life,
- registers minors who abuse addictive substances,
- registers adolescents who committed misdemeanor offenses and participates in proceedings carried against them under special laws,
- registers minors who committed criminal offenses and participates in proceedings carried against them under special laws,
- registers adolescents who committed wrongdoing and participates in proceeding carried against them under special laws,
- registers minors who commit escapes from persons responsible for their upbringing,
- in relation to the above mentioned, it analyzes situation of minors and the families, elaborates individual child protection plans and, in accordance with it, implements measures to prevent continuation of developmental disorders of minors,
- performs the field social work,
- imposes and performs educational measures decided by authorities of social and legal protection of children,
- proposes and implements educational measures decided by courts,
- visits minors placed by court order into state institutions and adolescents into custody and unconditionally imprisoned, focuses on preventing continuation of disturbances in their behavior and actions and after their release helps them to integrate within suitable family and social environment and to adopt desirable way of life,
- in performing its activities it cooperates with schools, school facilities for institutional and protective education, churches and non-profit organizations, healthcare facilities, law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings, the guardianship courts and other authorities for social and legal protection of children and others, as needed,
- analyzes situation in the field of socio-pathological phenomena of minors within their administrative district and suggest preventive measures.